Pullman 2040 Visioning Timeline
August – September: Pullman 2040 Formation Meetings
Individuals with a key interest in the vision and direction of our community and/or represented an entity which influences the direction of the Pullman community attended one of two Pullman 2040 formation meetings. There was sufficient desire to initiate the Pullman 2040 visioning process so a steering committee was formed.
September – January: Steering Committee Meetings
The mission statement was developed:
Pullman 2040 is a process which engages all community members to develop a collective vision for the Pullman community and the strategies to accomplish that vision.
The steering committee reviewed the methods other communities have used to set visions, best practices, and developed an inclusive process designed to engage all community members.
January – March: Community Input
During these three months, community input on Pullman’s future will be gathered through community meetings, meetings with community organizations, web surveys, and interviews.
March: Establish Taskforces
Based on the gathered community input, taskforces will be developed around common themes. The taskforces will be tasked with developing recommendations for their area. It is anticipated that there will be 5-8 taskforces.
April – August: Taskforce meetings
The taskforces will meet and develop recommended actions plans for their area.
September – December: Drafting the Visioning Statement and Action Plan
The steering committee based on the taskforces recommendations and other elements of community input will working with various community organizations and governmental entities to develop a Pullman 2040 Visioning Statement and Action Plan.
December 6: Community Partner Meeting
The steering committee will meet with community partners to identify lead partners on Pullman 2040 projects.
January 9: Pullman 2040 update: Pullman Chamber lunch
A Pullman 2040 update will be presented at the January 9 Pullman chamber meeting.
February 13: Pullman 2040 Community Meeting
A community meeting will be held to review the activities and accomplishments to date and identify which activities will be focused on during the following year.
Future Implementation
Once the visioning process is complete, a process will be setup to support the ongoing implementation process.